

1. Zhou, L.*; Shi, W.; Sun, Y.; Shao, B.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Frauenheim, T., Two-dimensional rectangular tantalum carbide halides TaCX (X = Cl, Br, I): novel large-gap quantum spin Hall insulators. 2D MATERIALS 2016, 3.

2. Zhou, L.*; Shao, B.; Shi, W.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Frauenheim, T., Prediction of the quantum spin Hall effect in monolayers of transition-metal carbides MC (M. =. Ti, Zr, Hf). 2D MATERIALS 2016, 3.

3. Zhang, Y.; Huang, F.; Mi, Q.*, Preferential Facet Growth of Methylammonium Lead Halide Single Crystals Promoted by Halide Coordination. CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2016, 45, 1030-1032.

4. Zhang, J.; Fan, J.; Zhang, J.; Huang, Q.; Jiang, H.*, 3D imaging by two-color Ewald spheres with optical lasers. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016, 14.

5. Yuan, H.; Liu, Z.; Xu, G.; Zhou, B.; Wu, S.; Dumcenco, D.; Yan, K.; Zhang, Y.; Mo, S.-K.; Dudin, P.; Kandyba, V.; Yablonskikh, M.; Barinov, A.; Shen, Z.; Zhang, S.; Huang, Y.; Xu, X.; Hussain, Z.; Hwang, H. Y.*; Cui, Y.*; Chen, Y.*, Evolution of the Valley Position in Bulk Transition-Metal Chalcogenides and Their Monolayer Limit. NANO LETTERS 2016, 16, 4738-4745.

6. Yang, X.*; Yu, B.*, Synthesis of Landomycin D: Studies on the Saccharide Assembly. SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART 2016, 48, 1693-1699.

7. Yang, W.; Xiong, Y.; Zou, L.; Zou, Z.*; Li, D.; Mi, Q.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H.*, Plasmonic Pd Nanoparticle- and Plasmonic Pd Nanorod-Decorated BiVO4 Electrodes with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Efficiency Across Visible-NIR Region. NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS 2016, 11.

8. Yang, B.; Burch, R.; Hardacre, C.*; Hu, P.*; Hughes, P., Importance of surface carbide formation on the activity and selectivity of Pd surfaces in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene. SURFACE SCIENCE 2016, 646, 45-49.

9. Yan, J.; Ke, Y.*, Generalized nonequilibrium vertex correction method in coherent medium theory for quantum transport simulation of disordered nanoelectronics. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, 94.

10. Xu, L.; Wang, G.; Shen, J.; Geng, H.; Li, W.; Wu, L.; Gao, S.; Wang, J.; Wang, L.; Fan, C.*; Chen, G.*, Structural and optical control of DNA-mediated Janus plasmonic nanostructures. NANOSCALE 2016, 8, 9337-9342.

11. Xu, D.; Liu, D.*; Xie, T.; Cao, Y.; Wang, J.-G.; Ning, Z.-J.; Long, Y.-T.*; Tian, H., Plasmon resonance scattering at perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 coated single gold nanoparticles: evidence for electron transfer. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2016, 52, 9933-9936.

12. Wu, P.; Yang, B.*, Theoretical insights into the promotion effect of subsurface boron for the selective hydrogenation of CO to methanol over Pd catalysts. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2016,18, 21720-21729.

13. Wang, X*.; Pan, X.; Gao, M.; Yu, J.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zuo, H.; Zhang, M.; Wei, Z.; Niu, W.; Xia, Z.; Wan, X.; Chen, Y.; Song, F.*; Xu, Y.; Wang, B.; Wang, G.; Zhang, R.*, Evidence of Both Surface and Bulk Dirac Bands and Anisotropic Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance in ZrSiS. ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2016, 2.

14. Wang, R.#; Shang, Y.#; Kanjanaboos, P.; Zhou, W.; Ning, Z.*; Sargent, E. H.*, Colloidal quantum dot ligand engineering for high performance solar cells. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2016, 9, 1130-1143.

15. Wang, G.; Xu, L.-F.; Shen, J.-L.; Yao, G.-B.; Ge, Z.-L.; Li, W.-Q.; Fan, C.-H.; Chen, G.*, Iterative and accurate determination of small angle X-ray scattering background. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES 2016, 27.

16. Wang, G.; Xu, L.; Wu, L.; Meng, K.; Wang, X.; Liu, Z.; Fan, C.; Chen, G.*, X-ray and optical characterizations of DNA-mediated Janus nanostructures. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2016, 109.

17. Si, C.*; You, J.; Shi, W.; Zhou, J.; Sun, Z.*, Quantum spin Hall phase in Mo2M2C3O2 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) MXenes. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2016, 4, 11524-11529.

18. Qiu, H.; Gao, Y.; Boott, C. E.; Gould, O. E. C.; Harniman, R. L.; Miles, M. J.; Webb, S. E. D.; Winnik, M. A.; Manners, I.*, Uniform patchy and hollow rectangular platelet micelles from crystallizable polymer blends. SCIENCE 2016, 352, 697-701.

19. Qiu, H.*, Hierarchical self-assembly: when sugar meets amino acid. SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY 2016, 59, 1621-1622.

20. Qi, Y.; Shi, W.; Naumov, P. G.; Kumar, N.; Schnelle, W.; Barkalov, O.; Shekhar, C.; Borrmann, H.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.*; Medvedev, S. A., Pressure-driven superconductivity in the transition-metal pentatelluride HfTe5PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, 94.

21. Oscar, B. G.; Liu, W.; Rozanov, N. D.; Fang, C.*, Ultrafast intermolecular proton transfer to a proton scavenger in an organic solvent. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2016, 18, 26151-26160.

22. Meng, K.; Gao, S.; Wu, L.; Wang, G.; Liu, X.; Chen, G.; Liu, Z.; Chen, G.*, Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Photonic Films. NANO LETTERS 2016, 16, 4166-4173.

23. Mathews, M.; Wang, H.-T.; Li, L.*, Finite Element Analysis of Nanoindentation and Elastic Behavior of Bi2Te3 Two-Dimensional Nanosheets. ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016, 5, Q3082-Q3087.

24. Mao, B.-H.; Crumlin, E.; Tyo, E. C.; Pellin, M. J.; Vajda, S.; Li, Y.*; Wang, S.-D.*; Liu, Z.*, In situ study of the electronic structure of atomic layer deposited oxide ultrathin films upon oxygen adsorption using ambient pressure XPS. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2016, 6, 6778-6783.

25. Ma, L.; Tu, C.; Le, P.; Chitoor, S.; Lim, S. J.; Zahid, M. U.; Teng, K. W.; Ge, P.; Selvin, P. R.; Smith, A. M.*, Multidentate Polymer Coatings for Compact and Homogeneous Quantum Dots with Efficient Bioconjugation. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2016, 138, 3382-3394.

26. Lv, Y.-Y.*; Zhang, B.-B.*; Li, X.; Pang, B.; Zhang, F.; Lin, D.-J.; Zhou, J.; Yao, S.-H.*; Chen, Y. B.; Zhang, S.-T.; Lu, M.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Y.*; Chen, Y.-F., Dramatically decreased magnetoresistance in non-stoichiometric WTe2 crystals. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016, 6.

27. Liu, Z. K.; Yang, L. X.; Wu, S.-C.; Shekhar, C.; Jiang, J.; Yang, H. F.; Zhang, Y.; Mo, S.-K.; Hussain, Z.; Yan, B.; Felser, C.; Chen, Y. L.*, Observation of unusual topological surface states in half-Heusler compounds LnPtBi (Ln = Lu, Y). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016, 7.

28. Liu, Z. K.#; Yang, L. X.#; Sun, Y.#; Zhang, T.; Peng, H.; Yang, H. F.; Chen, C.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, Y. F.; Prabhakaran, D.; Schmidt, M.; Hussain, Z.; Mo, S.-K.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Chen, Y. L.*, Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family. NATURE MATERIALS 2016, 15, 27-31.

29. Lichterman, M. F.#; Richter, M. H.#; Hu, S.#; Crumlin, E. J.#; Axnanda, S.; Favaro, M.; Drisdell, W.; Hussain, Z.; Brunschwig, B. S.; Lewis, N. S.; Liu, Z.; Lewerenz, H.-J.*, An Electrochemical, Microtopographical and Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigation of Si/TiO2/Ni/Electrolyte Interfaces. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 2016, 163, H139-H146.

30. Li, J.*; Guo, Y.-F.*; Yang, Z.-R.; Yamaura, K.; Takayama-Muromachi, E.; Wang, H.-B.; Wu, P.-H., Progress in nonmagnetic impurity doping studies on Fe-based superconductors. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2016, 29.

31. Lewerenz, H.-J.*; Lichterman, M. F.*; Richter, M. H.; Crumlin, E. J.; Hu, S.; Axnanda, S.; Favaro, M.; Drisdell, W.; Hussain, Z.; Brunschwig, B. S.; Liu, Z.; Nilsson, A.; Bell, A. T.; Lewis, N. S.*; Friebel, D., Operando Analyses of Solar Fuels Light Absorbers and Catalysts. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 2016, 211, 711-719.

32. Lan, X.; Voznyy, O.; Kiani, A.; de Arquer, F. P. G.; Abbas, A. S.; Kim, G.-H.; Liu, M.; Yang, Z.; Walters, G.; Xu, J.; Yuan, M.; Ning, Z.; Fan, F.; Kanjanaboos, P.; Kramer, I.; Zhitomirsky, D.; Lee, P.; Perelgut, A.; Hoogland, S.; Sargent, E. H.*, Passivation Using Molecular Halides Increases Quantum Dot Solar Cell Performance. ADVANCED MATERIALS 2016, 28, 299-304.

33. Klotz, J.; Wu, S.-C.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Baenitz, M.; Uhlarz, M.; Wosnitza, J.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.*, Quantum oscillations and the Fermi surface topology of the Weyl semimetal NbP. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, 93.

34. Kanungo, S.*; Yan, B.; Felser, C.; Jansen, M., Active role of nonmagnetic cations in magnetic interactions for double-perovskite Sr2BOsO6(B = Y, In, Sc). PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, 93.

35. He, J.; Zhang, C.; Ghimire, N. J.; Liang, T.; Jia, C.; Jiang, J.; Tang, S.; Chen, S.; He, Y.; Mo, S.-K.; Hwang, C. C.; Hashimoto, M.; Lu, D. H.; Moritz, B.; Devereaux, T. P.; Chen, Y. L.; Mitchell, J. F.; Shen, Z.-X.*, Distinct Electronic Structure for the Extreme Magnetoresistance in YSb. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016, 117.

36. Guo, J.-J.; Hu, A.; Chen, Y.; Sun, J.; Tang, H.; Zuo, Z.*, Photocatalytic C-C Bond Cleavage and Amination of Cycloalkanols by Cerium(III) Chloride Complex. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2016, 55, 15319-15322.

37. Guo, C.; Tian, Z.; Xiao, Y.; Mi, Q.; Xue, J.*, Field-effect transistors of high-mobility few-layer SnSe2APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2016, 109.

38. Gu, Y.; Zhao, Y.*; Wu, P.; Yang, B.*; Yang, N.; Zhu, Y.*, Bimetallic PtxCoy nanoparticles with curved faces for highly efficient hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde. NANOSCALE 2016, 8, 10896-10901.

39. Gong, X.#; Yang, Z.#; Walters, G.; Comin, R.; Ning, Z.; Beauregard, E.; Adinolfi, V.; Voznyy, O.; Sargent, E. H.*, Highly efficient quantum dot near-infrared light-emitting diodes. NATURE PHOTONICS 2016,10, 253-257.

40. Gao, L.; Fu, Q.*; Wei, M.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Q.; Crumlin, E.; Liu, Z.; Bao, X.*, Enhanced Nickel-Catalyzed Methanation Confined under Hexagonal Boron Nitride Shells. ACS CATALYSIS 2016, 6, 6814-6822.

41. Fuh, H.-R.; Yan, B.; Wu, S.-C.; Felser, C.; Chang, C.-R.*, Metal-insulator transition and the anomalous Hall effect in the layered magnetic materials VS2 and VSe2NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2016, 18.

42. Favaro, M.; Jeong, B.; Ross, P. N.; Yano, J.; Hussain, Z.; Liu, Z.*; Crumlin, E. J.*, Unravelling the electrochemical double layer by direct probing of the solid/liquid interface. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016, 7.

43. Fang, C.#; Lu, C.#; Liu, M.; Zhu, Y.; Fu, Y.*; Lin, B.-L.*, Selective Formylation and Methylation of Amines using Carbon Dioxide and Hydrosilane Catalyzed by Alkali-Metal Carbonates. ACS CATALYSIS 2016,6, 7876-7881.

44. Fan, J.; Sun, Z.; Wang, Y.; Park, J.; Kim, S.; Gallagher-Jones, M.; Kim, Y.; Song, C.; Yao, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Duan, X.; Tono, K.; Yabashi, M.; Ishikawa, T.; Fan, C.; Zhao, Y.; Chai, Z.; Gao, X.*; Earnest, T.; Jiang, H.*, Single-pulse enhanced coherent diffraction imaging of bacteria with an X-ray free-electron laser. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016, 6.

45. Davies, N. R.; Johnson, R. D.; Princep, A. J.; Gannon, L. A.; Ma, J.-Z.; Qian, T.; Richard, P.; Li, H.; Shi, M.; Nowell, H.; Baker, P. J.; Shi, Y. G.; Ding, H.; Luo, J.; Guo, Y. F.*; Boothroyd, A. T.*, Coupled commensurate charge density wave and lattice distortion in Na2Ti2Pn2O (Pn = As,Sb) determined by x-ray diffraction and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2016, 94.

46. Chen, G.*; Ning, Z.*; Agren, H.*, Nanostructured Solar Cells.NANOMATERIALS 2016, 6.

47. Bernardi, F.*; Grass, M. E.; Hong, Y. P.; Chang, R.; Jabeen, N.; Zhang, C.; Eichhorn, B. W.; Seo, B.; Alayoglu, S.; Hussain, Z.; Joo, S. H.; Liu, Z.*, Control of the surface atomic population of Rh0.5Pd0.5 bimetallic nanoparticles supported on CeO2CATALYSIS TODAY 2016, 260, 95-99.

48. Kong, J.; Zhang, Q.; Savage, M.; Li, M.; Li, X.; Yang, S.; Liang, X.; Zhu, W.; Agren, H.; Xie, Y.*, Tetra- and Octapyrroles Synthesized from Confusion and Fusion Approaches. ORGANIC LETTERS 2016, 18, 5046-5049.

49. Zhang, T.; Chen, F.; Wang, J.*; Zhang, L*.; Zou, Z.*; Wang, Z.; Lu, F.; Hu, B., Improvement of magnetic performance of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets by secondary deformation process after Nd-Cu eutectic diffusion. ACTA MATERIALIA 2016, 118, 374-382.

50. 武浩; *; 李沛豪; ; ; 范明慧,条件下在线表征装置的研制核技 2016, 39, 100101-1-100101-6.

51. 肖婷婷; 刘仁; 陈刚; ; 王周; 李雪梅; ; 海洋; ; 何涛*, 中空纤维复合正渗透膜的表征膜科学与技 2016, 36, 54-59.
