
Alexey S. Koshelev


Alexey S. Koshelev

BioSketch ResearchPublications Team Members Job Openings 

Alexey S. Koshelev

Assistant professor, PI

ShanghaiTech University, School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST)

Fundamental Physics Theory group leader

e-mail: askoshelev [at] shanghaitech [dot] edu [dot] cn

phone: +86-21-TBD

www: my personal page

Academic appointments:

2023 – present – ShanghaiTech University, School of Physics Sciences and Technology

2017 – 2022 – FCT principal investigator (Assistant Professor), Departamento de Fı́sica and Centro de Matemática e Aplicacoes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

2015 – 2016 – FCT BPD researcher, Departamento de Fı́sica and Centro de Matemática e Aplicacoes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

2008 – 2014 – FWO postdoctoral fellow (initial and renewal terms), Theoretical Physics (TENA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.

2007 – 2008 – postdoctoral researcher, Theoretical Physics (TENA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.

2005 – 2007 – Marie Curie fellow, Incoming International Fellowship, Physics department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.

2003 – 2007 – Scientific Researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia.


2003 – Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia. Advisor: Prof. Irina Ya. Aref’eva.

2000 – Master of Sciences in physics, Diploma with honours, Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Advisor: Prof. Irina Ya. Aref’eva.

1998 – Bachelor of Sciences in physics, Physics department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Advisor: Prof. Irina Ya. Aref’eva.

My research spans quantization of gravity, cosmology, scattering amplitudes, string theory and string field theory, and black holes. The  arXiv archives are: hep-th, gr-qc and astro-ph.CO.

Quantum Gravity (QG) is the long standing problem for theoretical physicists which is under intensive consideration and severe scrutiny for more than a century. Among various proposals the idea by Stelle from 1977 is the most elegant move to construct a theory of quantum gravity. This approach gives a renormalizable theory but unfortunately fails to maintain unitarity due to the presence of the Weyl ghost. In my research I aim to overcome this problem and to come out with a self-consistent QG theory by using ideas and inspirations of the string field theory, the second quantized description of strings.

Scattering amplitudes is the subject of study by many theoretical physicists world-wide. Models’ study through scattering amplitudes is highly motivated by its universality. The underlying idea is to use analyticity properties of the scattering amplitudes as well as various known bounds on their grows and decay in combination with the power of complex analysis. This sometimes surprisingly leads to very interesting and perhaps unexpected outcomes based on just desired or expected properties of the scattering amplitudes even without specifying the underlying theory. This is the topic of the projects under investigation by myself.

A comprehensive current list of publications can be found here:


Below are several selected recent publications:

1. Non-perturbative qunatum gravity denounces singular black holes

A.S. Koshelev (ShanghaiTech U.), A. Tokareva (HIAS),
e-Print: 2404.07925 [hep-th]

2. UV graviton scattering and positivity bounds from IR dispersion relations

M. Herrero-Valea (Barcelona, IFAE), A.S. Koshelev (Beira Interior U., Covilha), A. Tokareva (Imperial Coll., London),

Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 10, 105002, e-Print: 2205.13332 [hep-th]

3. Analytic infinite derivative gravity, R^2-like inflation, quantum gravity and CMB,

Alexey S. Koshelev (Beira Interior U., Covilha), K. Sravan Kumar (U. Groningen, VSI), Alexei A. Starobinsky (Landau ITP, Chernogolovka),

Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 29 (2020) 14, 2043018, e-Print: 2005.09550 [hep-th]

4. R^2 inflation to probe non-perturbative quantum gravity,

Alexey S. Koshelev (Beira Interior U., Covilha and Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels and Vrije U., Brussels), K. Sravan Kumar (Beira Interior U., Covilha), Alexei A. Starobinsky (Kazan State U. and Landau Inst.),

JHEP 03 (2018), 071, e-Print: 1711.08864 [hep-th]

5. Occurrence of exact R^2 inflation in non-local UV-complete gravity,

Alexey S. Koshelev (Beira Interior U., Covilha and Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels and Vrije U., Brussels), Leonardo Modesto (Fudan U.), Leslaw Rachwal (Fudan U.), Alexei A. Starobinsky (Kazan State U. and Landau Inst.),

JHEP 11 (2016), 067, e-Print: 1604.03127 [hep-th]


Team Members



Two postdoctoral researches:

Oleg Melichev

Abhishek Naskar

Four Master students:

Hu Hao

Jianhua Jiang

Chen Kai

Liu Yang

Bachelor project students:

Fengyi Jiang

Sian Yang

Former undergraduate students:

Yizhou Zhai - now graduate student in the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Job Openings



There are no job openings currently, stay tuned!


Contact: Alexey Koshelev ([email protected])

Letters of Reference should be sent to: [email protected]
