



课题组长  研究介绍  发表论文  本组成员






2005-2009 浙江大学 材料系,本科

2009-2012 中国科小妲己直播 上海光学精密机械研究所,硕士

2012-2013 国家开发银行,职员

2014-2017 德国马克斯普朗克学会Fritz-Haber研究所/柏林工业大学,博士

2017-2018 瑞士洛桑联邦理工小妲己直播 物理系,博士后

2018-2019 德国慕尼黑工业大学 化学系, 博士后

2020-2024 丹麦科技大学 物理系,博士后

20245月 丹麦科技大学 物理系,高级研究员

20248月 小妲己直播 小妲己直播 ,助理教授,研究员,PI






  1. 团簇拟酶催化:包括对Mo-Fe固氮酶等的原子精确合成和模型催化测试

  2. 单颗粒原位动态催化过程

  3. 纳米颗粒和团簇的限域催化效应

  4. 温和条件合成氨的模型催化研究




# Equal contribution* Corresponding author

1.  Zhang, K.#, Cao, A.#, Wandall, L. H., Vernieres, J., Kibsgaard, J.,   Nørskov, J* & Chorkendorff, I*. (2024). Spin-mediated promotion of Co catalysts for ammonia synthesis. Science, 6689(383), 1357

2.  Fu, X., Niemann, V. A., Zhou,   Y., Li, S., Zhang, K., Pedersen, J. B., et al., Chorkendorff, I*. (2024). Calcium-mediated nitrogen reduction for   electrochemical ammonia synthesis. Nature Materials, 23(1), 101-107

3.  Zhang, K.*, Wandall, L. H., Vernieres, J., Kibsgaard, J., &   Chorkendorff, I*. (2023). Ultra-high vacuum compatible reactor for model   catalyst study of ammonia synthesis at ambient pressure. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94(11).

4.  Wei, C., Wang, Z., Otani, K., Hochfilzer, D., Zhang, K., Nielsen, R., et   al., Kibsgaard, J*. (2023). Benchmarking Electrocatalyst Stability for Acidic   Oxygen Evolution Reaction: The Crucial Role of Dissolved Ion Concentration. ACS   Catalysis, 13(21), 14058-14069.

5. Zheng, Y. R.#, Vernieres, J. #, Wang, Z. #, Zhang, K.#, Hochfilzer, D., Krempl, K., et al., Chorkendorff, I*. (2022). Monitoring oxygen production on mass-selected   iridium–tantalum oxide electrocatalysts. Nature Energy, 7(1), 55-64.

6.  Kaiser, S., Maleki, F., Zhang, K., Harbich,   W., Heiz, U., Tosoni, S., et al., Esch, F*. (2021). Cluster catalysis with lattice oxygen: Tracing oxygen   transport from a magnetite (001) support onto small Pt clusters. Acs   Catalysis, 11(15), 9519-9529.

7.  Zhang, K.#, Li, L.#, Goniakowski, J., Noguera, C., Freund, H. J.,   & Shaikhutdinov, S.* (2021). Size effect in two-dimensional oxide-on-metal catalysts of CO   oxidation and its connection to oxygen bonding: An experimental and   theoretical approach. Journal of Catalysis, 393, 100-106.

8. Zhang, K.#, Li, L. #, Shaikhutdinov, S.*, & Freund, H. J. (2018). Carbon Monoxide Oxidation on MetalSupported Monolayer Oxide Films: Establishing Which   Interface is Active. Angewandte Chemie, 130(5), 1275-1279.

9. Weng, X.#, Zhang, K.#, Pan, Q., Martynova, Y., Shaikhutdinov, S.*, & Freund, H. J. (2017). Support Effects on CO   Oxidation on Metalsupported Ultrathin FeO (1 1 1) Films. ChemCatChem, 9(4), 705-712.

10. Zhang, K., Shaikhutdinov, S.*, & Freund, H. J. (2015). Does the surface structure of oxide affect   the strong metal–support interaction with platinum? Platinum on Fe3O4   (001) versus Fe3O4 (11 1).  ChemCatChem, 7(22), 3725-3730.

11. Davis, E. M., Zhang, K., Cui, Y., Kuhlenbeck, H., Shaikhutdinov, S.*, & Freund, H. J. (2015). Growth of Fe3O4 (001) thin   films on Pt (100): Tuning surface termination with an Fe buffer layer. Surface Science, 636, 42-46.

12. Zhang, K., Lin, J., & Wang, Y.* (2015). Phase-selective fluorescence of doped Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change   memory thin films. Chinese Optics Letters, 13(12), 121601.

13. Zhang, K., Li, S., Liang, G., Huang, H., Wang, Y., Lai, T., &   Wu, Y.* (2012). Different crystallization processes of   as-deposited amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films on nano-and picosecond single laser   pulse irradiation. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 407(13), 2447-2450.

14. Zhang, K., Zhou, S.*, Zhuang, Y., Yang, R., & Qiu, J. (2012). Bandwidth broadening of   near-infrared emission through nanocrystallization in Bi/Ni co-doped glass. Optics Express, 20(8), 8675-8680.

15. Yang, R., Mao, M., Zhang, Y., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, K., & Qiu, J.* (2011). Broadband near-infrared emission from Bi–Er–Tm   Co-doped germanate glasses. Journal of non-crystalline solids, 357(11-13), 2396-2399.

16. Liang, G., Zhang, K., Zhai, F., Huang, H., Wang, Y.*, & Wu, Y. (2011). Comparison of optical and electrical transient   response during nanosecond laser pulse-induced phase transition of Ge2Sb2Te5   thin films. Chemical Physics Letters, 507(1-3), 203-207

