



课题组长 丨 研究介绍 丨 发表论文 丨 本组成员




陈成助理教授| 研究员 | 博导




2014年于中国科学技术大学理科实验班获理学学士学位;2018年于英国牛津大学获物理学博士学位;2018年至2023年于小妲己直播 ,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,英国牛津大学,美国耶鲁大学(访问学者)从事博士后研究工作;20242月加入小妲己直播-小妲己直播在线-小妲己成人直播 任助理教授、研究员。




课题组依靠上海同步辐射光源(纳米自旋与磁学线站),以及小妲己直播 拓扑物理实验室开展工作








*first author  # corresponding author


1. Hanbo Xiao*, Han Gao*, Min Li*, Fanqiang Chen*, Qiao Li, Yiwei Li, Meixiao Wang, Fangyuan Zhu, Lexian Yang, Feng Miao, Yulin Chen, Cheng Chen#, Bin Cheng#, Jianpeng Liu#, Zhongkai Liu#. Tunable moir\'e bandgap in hBN-aligned bilayer graphene device with in-situ electrostatic gating. Advanced Science e2412609, (2025).  arXiv:2405.11893

2. HB Xiao*, C Chen*, X Sui*, SH Zhang*, MZ Sun, H Gao, Q Jiang, Q Li, LX Yang, M Ye, FY Zhu, MX Wang, JP Liu, ZB Zhang, ZJ Wang, YL Chen, KH Liu#, ZK Liu#. Thickness-dependent Topological Phases and Flat Bands in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene. In review. arXiv:2411.11359 (2024).


1. C. Chen*, K. Nuckolls *, Shuhan Ding, Wangqian Miao, Dillon Wong, Myungchul Oh, Ryan L. Lee, Shanmei He, Cheng Peng, Ding Pei, Yiwei Li, Chenyue Hao, Haoran Yan, Hanbo Xiao, Han Gao, Qiao Li, Shihao Zhang, Jianpeng Liu, Lin He, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Chris Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Chu Li, Xu Han, Ding Pan, Zhongkai Liu, Xi Dai, Chaoxing Liu, B. Andrei Bernevig, Yao Wang#, Ali Yazdani & Yulin Chen#. Strong Inter-valley Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene. Nature, 636, 342–347 (2024). 

2. Han Gao, Hanbo Xiao, Feng Wang, Fangyuan Zhu, Meixiao Wang, Zhongkai Liu, Yulin Chen, Cheng Chen. Nano-ARPES Endstation at BL07U of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Synchrotron Radiation News, 37(4), 12–17 (2024).

3. Kingshuk Bandopadhyay, Marta Buza, Cheng Chen, Andrzej Materna, Kamil Szlachetko, Piotr Piotrowski, Hańcza B Surma, Jolanta Borysiuk, Ryszard Diduszko, Alexei Barinov, Yulin Chen, Maria Kaminska, Dorota A Pawlak. Self-organized topological insulator heterostructures via eutectic solidification of Bi2Te3-Te. Next Materials, 5, 100252 (2024).

Before 2024:

1. Y. Guo et. al. Spectral evidence for unidirectional charge density wave in detwinned BaNi2As2. Physical Review B 108, L081104 (2023).

2. D. Pei et. al. Twist-Induced Modification in the Electronic Structure of Bilayer WSe2. Nano Letters 23, 15, 7008–7013 (2023).

3. C. Chen*, W. Tang* et. al. Anomalous excitonic phase diagram in band-gap-tuned Ta2Ni(Se,S)5. Nature Communication 14, 7512 (2023). 

4. A. Liang et. al. Electronic origin of half-metal to semiconductor transition and colossal magnetoresistance in spinel HgCr2Se4. Physical Review B 107, 195114 (2023).

5. C. Chen*, X. Chen* et. al. Lattice fluctuation induced pseudogap in quasi-one-dimensional Ta2NiSe5. Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043089 (2023). 

6. Q. Zhang et. al. Thermal hysteretic behavior and negative magnetoresistance in an unusual charge-density-wave material EuTe4. Physical Review B 107, 115141 (2023).

7. L. Xu et. al. Topology hierarchy of transition metal dichalcogenides built from quantum spin Hall layers. Advanced Materials 2300227 (2023).

8. X. Gu*, C. Chen* et. al. Robust kagome electronic structure of topological quantum magnets XMn6Sn6 (X = Dy, Tb, Gd) Physical Review B 105 (15), 155108, (2022).

9. H. Al-Atabi et. al. Lattice and electronic structure of ScN observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements. Applied Physics Letters 121 (18), 182102 (2022)

10. Z. Yin et. al. Electronic structure of antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetal candidate GdIn3. Physical Review Materials 6 (8), 084203 (2022)

11. A. J. Liang*, C. Chen*, et. al. Approaching a Minimal Topological Electronic Structure in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 via Surface Modification Nano Letter 22(11), 4307, (2022).

12. H. Yang et. al. Visualization of Chiral Electronic Structure and Anomalous Optical Response in a Material with Chiral Charge Density Waves. Physical Review Letter 129 (15), 156401 (2022)

13. N. Qin*, C. Chen*, S. Du* et. al. Persistent exchange splitting in the chiral helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2. Physical Review B 106 (3), 035129, (2022).

14. C. Gu et. al. Low-lying electronic states with giant linear dichroic ratio observed in PdSe2. Physical Review B 106, L121110 (2022)

15. Z. Yin et. al. Hybridization and correlation between f- and d- orbital electrons in a valence fluctuating compound EuNi2P2. Physical Review B 105, 245106 (2022)

16. D. Pei et. al. Observation of Γ-Valley Moiré Bands and Emergent Hexagonal Lattice in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Physical Review X 12, 021065 (2022) 

17. J. Zhang et. al. Observation of dimension-crossover of a tunable 1D Dirac fermion in topological semimetal Nb2SixTe4

npj Quantum Materials 7, 54 (2022) 

18. H. Zheng et. al. Observation of nontrivial topological electronic structure of orthorhombic SnSe Physical Review Materials 6, 054201 (2022) 

19. J. Zhang et. al. Direct Visualization and Manipulation of Tunable Quantum Well State in Semiconducting Nb2SiTe4

ACS Nano 15 (10), 850 (2021) 

20. Y. W. Li et. al. Observation of topological superconductivity in a stoichiometric transition metal dichalcogenide 2M-WS2Nature communication 12, 2874 (2021)

21. K. Huang et. al. Observation of topological Dirac fermions and surface states in superconducting BaSn3 Physical Review B 103, 155148 (2021)

22. C. Chen*, A. J. Liang*, S. Liu*, et. al. Observation of topological electronic structure in quasi-1D superconductor TaSe3 Matter 3, 2055 (2020)

23. S. A. Ekahana et. al. Topological Lifshitz transition of the intersurface Fermi-arc loop in NbIrTe4 Physical Review B 102, 085126 (2020)

24. X. Xu et. al. Signature for non-Stoner ferromagnetism in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3Ge2Te3 Physical Review B 101, 201104 (2020)

25. T. Deng*, C. Chen*, Hao Su*, et. al. Electronic structure of the Si-containing topological Dirac semimetal CaAl2Si2 Physical Review B 102, 045106 (2020)

26. D. F. Liu et. al. Magnetic Weyl semimetal phase in a Kagomé crystal Science 20, 365, 6459 (2019)

27. H. F. Yang et. al. Topological Lifshitz transitions and Fermi arc manipulation in Weyl semimetal NbAs Nature Communication 10 (2019)

28. Y. J. Chen et. al. Topological electronic structure and its temperature evolution in antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 Physical Review X 9, 041040 (2019)

29. C. Chen*, M. X. Wang*, J. X. Wu*, et. al. Electronic Structures and Unusually Robust Bandgap in a High Mobility Layered Oxide Semiconductor, Bi2O2Se Science Advances 4(9), eaat8355 (2018)

30. H. F. Yang*, C. Chen*, H. Wang*, Z. K. Liu* et. al. Single Crystalline Electronic Structure and Growth Mechanism of Aligned Square Graphene Sheets APL Materials 6, 036107 (2018)

31. H. F. Yang et. al. Visualizing electronic structures of quantum materials by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Nature Reviews Materials 1 (2018)

32. J. B. Yin et. al. Ultrafast and highly sensitive infrared photodetectors based on two-dimensional oxyselenide crystals Nature communications 9 (1), 3311 (2018)

33. J. Jiang et. al. Observation of topological surface states and strong electron/hole imbalance in extreme magnetoresistance compound LaBi Physical Review Materials 2, 024201 (2018) 

34. G. H. Hong et. al. Measurement of the bulk and surface bands in Dirac line-node semimetal ZrSiS Chinese Phyiscs B 27, 017105 (2018)

35. S. Liu et. al. Experimental observation of conductive edge states in weak topological insulator candidate HfTe5 APL Materials 6, 121111 (2018)

36. C. Chen*, X. Xu*, et. al. Dirac Line-nodes and Effect of Spin-orbit Coupling in Non-symmorphic Critical Semimetal MSiS (M=Hf, Zr) Physical Review B 95, 125126 (2017)

37. J. X. Wu et. al. High electron mobility and quantum oscillations in non-encapsulated ultrathin semiconducting Bi2O2Se Nature Nanotechnology 12, 530 (2017) 

38. J. Jiang et. al. Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2 Nature Communications, 8, 13973 (2017) 

39. H. Peng et. al. Substrate Doping Effect and Unusually Large Angle van Hove Singularity Evolution in Twisted Bi- and Multilayer Graphene Advanced Materials 29, 1606741 (2017) 

40. A. J. Liang, et. al. Observation of the topological surface state in the nonsymmorphic topological insulator KHgSb Physical Review B 96, 165143 (2017) 

41. C. W. Wang, et. al. Photoemission study of the electronic structure of valence band convergent SnSe Physical Review B 96, 165118 (2017) 

42. Y. W. Li et. al. Topological origin of the type-II Dirac fermions in PtSe2 Physical Review Materials, 1, 074202, (2017) 

43. Z. J. Tan*, J. B. Yin*, C. Chen* et. al. Building Large-Domain Twisted Bilayer Graphene with van Hove Singularity ACS Nano 10, 6725 (2016)

44. Z. K. Liu et. al. Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family Nature Materials 15, 27 (2016) 

45. H. Wang et. al. Surface Monocrystallization of Copper Foil for Fast Growth of Large Single-Crystal Graphene under Free Molecular Flow Advanced Materials 28, 8968 (2016)




