欧阳峥嵘,教授、研究员 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区张衡路239号上海光源 电子邮件:[email protected] 个人简历: 1991年~2005年,完成了HT-7托卡马克装置的低温系统建设与调试运行;负责完成国家大科学工程“EAST”低温测试系统设计与建设,并负责完成所有纵场超导线圈测试实验;荣获安徽省科技进步一等奖。 2001年10月~2002年10月受法国原子能署资助访问法国Cadarache受控热核聚变研究所,完成中法合作任务。 2007年~2008年,承担并完成总装备部“神七舱外航天服氦低温系统”任务。 2006~2017年,负责完成国家大科学工程“稳态强磁场装置”氦低温系统与去离子水冷系统建设、调试和运行,荣获中国科小妲己直播 突出贡献奖、安徽省科技进步特等奖; 2010年~2018年先后应邀访问了美国费米实验室、美国国家强磁场实验室德国汉堡同步辐射实验室(DESY)、欧洲散裂中子源实验室、日本理化学研究所、日本金属研究所等科研机构。 2018年~现在,承担国家大科学工程“硬X射线自由电子激光装置”低温工厂建设和上海市重大专项“硬X射线自由电子激光关键技术预研”超导测试站的建设任务,测试站低温工厂已经建成并投入试验运行。 |
本课题组主要从事大型氦低温工程领域关键技术研究,主要研究领域如下: l 氦低温制冷系统热力学过程分析与研究 l 超流氦低温关键技术 l 大型氦低温系统设计与建设 l 超导磁体的超临界氦迫流冷却与测试技术 l 大型低温冷凝泵技术 l 加速器超导腔低温条件保证与性能测试研究 |
1. Zhun Li, Zhengrong Ouyang, Tianbao Sun, Qiang Li, Xiaobo Zhao, Rong Yu. Case Analysis of a Pump-Driven Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Ventilator in an Existing Experiment Building. Energy Engineering, 2022, 119(4):1393-1402. 2. Jiali Tang, Yuyang Shi, Zhengrong OuYang. Optimization design of the octagonal water diffuser with uniform flow orifice plate. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, 2021, 44(11):103374. 3. Shuai ZHANG, Zhengrong OuYang, Optimization Strategy of Plate-fin Heat Exchanger Based on Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,2021,42(11):2919-2925. 4. Jiali Tang, Zhengrong OuYang, Yuyang Shi. Diffuser design and experimental research of a large-scale chilled water storage system. Energy Sources, 2020, 43(12):1456-1467 5. Wenjun Qiu, Zhengrong Ouyang. Energy Efficient Control of Parallel Variable-Frequency Pumps in Magnetic Water-Cooling System. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions Of the ASME, 2020, 142(2): 024502. 6. J.L.Tang, Z.R.OuYang, Y.Y.Shi. Experimental analysis and FLUENT simulation of a stratified chilled water storage system. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, 2019, 134(3):1-8. 7. Meng qiumin, Ouyang Zhengrong, Zhang Shuai, Li Junjie, Li Hongqiang, Shi Lei, Fang Ming, Magnetoresistance of cryogenic linear temperature sensor, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2019,13:1-5. 8. Experimental analysis and FLUENT simulation of a stratified chilled water storage system, J. L. Tang, Z. R. OuYang, Y. Y. Shi. European Physical Journal Plus 2019,134(3):1-8. 9. Ming Fang, Zhengrong Ouyang. The cryogenic control system of 40 T hybrid magnet, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 502:012168-012172. 10.J Li, Z Ouyang, W Chen. Thermohydraulic behaviour of the cryogenic system during protected quenching of the superconducting magnet of a hybrid magnet, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019, 502(1):1-5. 11.S Zhang, Z Ouyang, J Li. Design and test of the 4.5 K supercritical Helium coiled subcooler,2019, 502(1). 12.Wenjun Qiu,Zhengrong Ouyang,An optimal control method for parallel variable speed hydraulic pumps used in High Magnetic Field Laboratory(C). Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, Chongqing,China, 2018 October 12-14 ,635-642, 13.J.L. Tang, Z.R. OuYang. Analysis on the cooling water system operation under the first time test of 40 Tesla hybrid magnet,Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol.10, No.2,2017 14.Zhenzhen Hui, Qiumin Meng, Renhuai Wei, Xianwu Tang, Xiangde Zhu, Zhengrong Ouyang etc.. CrN thin films with ultra-low magnetoresistance prepared via solutionprocessing for large-area applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017,699: 844–849. 15.Yu Xie, J.Li, ZR.Ouyang. Cooling-down performance of CICC superconducting coils for the CHMFL, AIP Conference proceeding, 2017. 16.J. Li, Q. Meng, Z. Ouyang, L. Shi, X. Ai, X. Chen, Helium recovery and purification at CHMFL, in 26th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference & International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2016, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 171, no. 1, p. 012012, 2017. 17.Yu Xie, Zhengrong Ouyang, Lei Shi, Dazhi Kuang, Qiumin Meng. Experimental studies of diffusion welding of YBCO to copper using solder layers,..Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conf. (New Delhi, India, 7-11 March 2016) vol 171 ed Datta T S (New York: IOP Publishing Ltd). 18.Li J, Ouyang Z, Li H, Meng Q, Shi L, Ai X, Fang M. Chen X. Recent progress of cryogenic system for 40 T hybrid magnet, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Tucson, USA, 28 June-2 July 2015) vol 101. 19.J.L. Tang, Z.R. OuYang. Optimized design on water cooling system of CHMFL, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol.1, No.1,2013. 20.Hongqiang Li, Zhengrong Ouyang, Guangli Kuang, Conceptual Design of the Cryostat for the Superconducting Outsert of the 40T Hybrid Magnet, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, VOL.20, No.3,2010. 21.J. Li, Z. Ouyang, Quench Simulation in Cable-in-Conduit Conductor Using Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method, IEEE Transactions On Applied Superconductivity, VOL.20,No.3,2010. |
学生姓名 姚杨
学生姓名 赵金鑫
学生姓名 钟思粤