课题组长Group Leader |
Yifan Jiang,Assistant Professor、PI Address:Huaxia Middle Road 393, School of physical science and technology Email:jiangyf2@xdjzhibo.com Biography: 2008-2012: Tsinghua University, B.S. 2012-2017: Tsinghua University, Ph.D. 2017-2020: SLAC and Stanford University, Postdoc 2021- now: ShanghaiTech University, Assistant Professor |
研究介绍 Research Interests |
Developing state-of-the-art numerical methods – such as Quantum Monte Carlo, Density Matrix Renormalization Group – to investigate the rich physics in low dimensional strong correlated system, including the emerge phenomena near the quantum critical point, topological state of matter, unconventional superconductivity and frustrated quantum magnets.
发表论文 Publications |
(*equal contribution) 1. Doping quantum spin liquids on the Kagome lattice, Cheng Peng*, Yi-Fan Jiang*, Dong-Ning Sheng, and Hong-Chen Jiang, invited review, Adv. Quantum Technol., accepted. 2. Topological superconductivity in the doped chiral spin liquid on the triangular lattice, Yi-Fan Jiang and Hong-Chen Jiang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 157002 (2020). 3. Hubbard ladders at small U revisited, Yuval Gannot, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Steven A. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. B 102, 115136 (2020). 4. Evidence of pair-density wave in doping Kitaev spin liquid on the honeycomb lattice, Cheng Peng*, Yi-Fan Jiang*, Thomas P. Devereaux, and Hong-Chen Jiang, arXiv:2008.03858. 5. Possible superconductivity with Bogoliubov Fermi surface in lightly doped Kagome U(1) spin liquid, Yi-Fan Jiang, Hong Yao and Fan Yang, arXiv:2003.02850. 6. Ground state phase diagram of the doped Hubbard model on the 4-leg cylinder, Yi-Fan Jiang, Jan Zaanen, Thomas P. Devereaux, and Hong-Chen Jiang, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033073 (2020). 7. Materializing rival ground states in the barlowite family of kagome magnets: quantum spin liquid, spin ordered, and valence bond crystal states, R. W. Smaha, et al., npj Quantum Mater. 5, 23 (2020). 8. Field-induced quantum spin liquid in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model and its relation to α-RuCl3, Yi-Fan Jiang, Thomas P. Devereaux, and Hong-Chen Jiang, Phys. Rev. B 100, 165123 (2019). 9. Fractional charge and emergent mass hierarchy in diagonal two-leg t-J cylinders, Yi-Fan Jiang, Hong-Chen Jiang, Hong Yao, and Steven A. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. B 95, 245105 (2017). 10.Edge quantum criticality and emergent supersymmetry in topological phases, Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Hong Yao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 107202 (2017). 11.Charge-4e superconductors: a Majorana quantum Monte Carlo study, Yi-Fan Jiang, Zi-Xiang Li, Steven A. Kivelson, and Hong Yao, Phys. Rev. B 95, 241103(R) (2017). 12.Fermion-induced quantum critical points, Zi-Xiang Li*, Yi-Fan Jiang*, Shao-Kai Jian*, and Hong Yao, Nat. Commun. 8, 314 (2017). 13.Majorana-time-reversal symmetries: a fundamental principle for sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations, Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Hong Yao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 267002 (2016). 14.Fermion-sign-free Majarana-quantum-Monte-Carlo studies of quantum critical phenomena of Dirac fermions in two dimensions, Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Hong Yao, New J. Phys. 17, 085003 (2015). 15.Solving fermion sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo by Majorana representation, Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Hong Yao, Phys. Rev. B 91, 241117(R) (2015); Editors’ Suggestion. 16.Emergent Spacetime Supersymmetry in 3D Weyl Semimetals and 2D Dirac Semimetals, Shao-Kai Jian, Yi-Fan Jiang, and Hong Yao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 237001 (2015); Editors’ Suggestion. |