
Accounts of Materials Research 《材料研究述评》首期正式上线


从2018年盛夏到2020年金秋,经过两年多的精心准备,在小妲己直播 和ACS Publications的通力合作下,Accounts of Materials Research《材料研究述评》终于迎来了她的创刊号。首期9篇高质量的述评文章分别从9个知名研究组自己的视角,讲述他们对相关材料领域的理解、观点和展望,并与其他科学工作者一起分享他们在这一领域中耕耘的故事与领悟。这就是我们的初衷,为材料领域提供一个特色鲜明、高水平、“小而精”的评述性期刊,使之成为材料科学领域观点交流、思想碰撞、寓教于研的一个出版平台。这也是AMR三位主编和资深编辑、37位国内外编委,以及上科大与ACS的编辑出版团队共同的目标。我们在重阳节前推出创刊号的9篇文章,自此扬帆起航,希望能更好地为材料人服务,与材料人共同成长。






Welcome to Accounts of Materials Research

If I could go back in time and tell my old self just one thing I learned in materials science and engineering, it would be the paradigm of the microstructure–properties relationships, where “structure” is an incredibly broad and diverse concept that often requires one to see the discontinuum within the apparent continuum, to think across different length scales and even different time scales.

The excitement of materials research is endless!

Accounts of Materials Research wishes to capture recent exciting developments in materials and provide a platform to promote excellence and learning among all aspects of materials science and engineering, as well as to promote materials researchers, especially those at a critical stage of their careers.

I hope readers enjoy perusing these rather concise articles, even for topics they are not familiar with, because this is not only a quick way to learn about a new subject but also a way to “know” those researchers, in a socially and temporally distanced way.

Materials research is diverse and inclusive by nature. We believe in the strength of diversity in all its forms because inclusion of and respect for diverse people, experiences, and ideas lead to superior materials solutions to societal challenges and advancement of materials research itself globally.


If you have a materials story to share, please send us a proposal!

Jiaxing Huang



首期文章集结了9篇重磅文章,作者群体和研究主题既具有代表性又非常多样化,很好地体现了AMR服务于全球材料研究者的办刊宗旨和推动多样性、平等、包容的决心。9篇文章的通讯作者分别来自于中国、美国、比利时、瑞典、沙特阿拉伯、加拿大。其中既包括了国际知名学者诺贝尔奖获得者J. Fraser Stoddart院士、Peidong Yang (杨培东)院士、赵东元院士、江雷院士、Edward H. Sargent院士,也包括了新生代的中坚力量巩金龙教授、胡又凡教授、Osman M. Bakr教授、袁家寅教授,以及新锐科学家Julian A. Steele博士、Matthew Ryder博士、李鹏浩博士、王鸿研究员、姜翔宇研究员,李晓民研究员、Qian Chen(陈倩)教授。研究主题涵盖也非常广泛,从多孔分子晶体、介孔材料到多孔碳膜,从纳米结构的化工催化、纳米线阵列传感器、碳纳米管的柔性集成电路到多级钙钛矿太阳能电池,从钙钛矿材料的阴离子交换和相转变到软物质的纳米vlog!

Nanostructured Catalysts toward Efficient Propane Dehydrogenation

Sai Chen,  Chunlei Pei,  Guodong Sun, Zhi-Jian Zhao, and Jinlong Gong*



Phase Transitions and Anion Exchange in All-Inorganic Halide Perovskites

Julian A. Steele*, Minliang Lai, Ye Zhang, Zhenni Lin, Johan Hofkens, Maarten B. J. Roeffaers, and Peidong Yang*

One-Dimensional Arrays of Sensing Materials Based on Wettability Interface Dewetting Process

Xiangyu Jiang* and Lei Jiang*

Flexible Integrated Circuits Based on Carbon Nanotubes

Youfan Hu*, Lian-Mao Peng, Li Xiang, and Heng Zhang

All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells: A Roadmap to Uniting High Efficiency with High Stability

Xiaopeng Zheng, Abdullah Y. Alsalloum, Yi Hou, Edward H. Sargent*, and Osman M. Bakr*

Advanced Heteroatom-Doped Porous Carbon Membranes Assisted by Poly(ionic liquid) Design and Engineering

Yucheng Wang, Yue Shao, Hong Wang*, and Jiayin Yuan*

Interfacial Assembly Directed Unique Mesoporous Architectures: From Symmetric to Asymmetric

iancong Zhao, Liang Chen, Runfeng Lin, Pengfei Zhang, Kun Lan, Wei Zhang, Xiaomin Li*, and Dongyuan Zhao*

Nanoscale Cinematography of Soft Matter System under Liquid-Phase TEM

Zihao Ou, Chang Liu, Lehan Yao, and Qian Chen*

Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks: A Rising Class of Porous Molecular Materials

enghao Li*, Matthew R. Ryder*, and J. Fraser Stoddart*


J. Fraser Stoddart教授合作团队评述氢键有机框架材料:

Hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs), which are 2D and 3D crystalline networks formed from the assembly of organic building blocks employing hydrogen-bonding interactions, represent a rising class of multifunctional porous materials.


