
Welcome to the Workshop for Topological Quantum Information-2019


About the Event

On behalf of the local organizing and scientific committees, we cordially welcome you to the workshop for topological quantum information-2019 held in Shanghai from Nov. 8th to Nov. 9th, 2019. The conference site is at ShanghaiTech University, which is located inside of Zhangjiang National Science Center and next to the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. 

The workshop would be a two day event covering topics including: 

  • Topological Materials
  • Topological Theory
  • Spectroscopy/Transport Characterizations
  • Topological Superconductivity
  • Quantum Computation
  • Electronic/Spintronic Devices
We look forward to welcoming you to Shanghai in November. 

Hosting organizations 

Local Organizing Committee

Yulin Chen, University of Oxford
Fuchun Zhang, The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences
Jiangping Hu, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xuguang Xu, ShanghaiTech university

