刘灰礼课题组介绍 Huili Liu Group
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1. 纳米/二维半导体材料等设计与合成;
2. 半导体热电材料电学与热学性能与热电性能优化;
3. 热电半导体微器件与应用等
Group's research is focused on 2D van der Waals or nano semiconductor materials, thermoelectric materials and devices, micro/nano-scale heat transfer, thermoelectric/flexible electronic/thermal applications.
课题组长期诚聘助理研究员、博士后、硕博研究生;欢迎对二维/纳米/热电半导体材料合成、半导体热电输运、微纳加工、器件与应用等研究方向感兴趣的物理、化学、材料专业的学生学者加入! 有志于科学研究者将优先考虑!有意者请发送简历至 [email protected]
Several positions of Graduate students, Postdocs, and Researchers are available in the group. If you have experiences and passions on 2D/nano/thermoelectric semiconductor materials synthesis, or micro/nano fabrication, or thermoelectric materials, devices, or electronic applications, please feel free to contact me by sending the CV to [email protected]
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Huili Liu, Xun Yuan, Ping Lu, Xun Shi, Fangfang Xu, Ying He, Yunshan Tang, Shenqiang Bai, Wenqing Zhang, Lidong Chen, Yue Lin, Lei Shi, He Lin, Xingyu Gao, Xingmin Zhang, Hang Chi, and Ctirad Uher. Ultrahigh thermoelectric performance by electron and phonon critical scattering in Cu2Se1-xIx, Advanced Materials 25, 6607-6612 (2013). (Citations > 400)
Huili Liu, Xiaoxia Yu, Kedi Wu, Yang Gao, Sefaattin Tongay, Ali Javey, Lidong Chen, Jiawang Hong, and Junqiao Wu. Extreme in-plane thermal conductivity anisotropy in titanium trisulfide caused by heat-carrying optical phonons. Nano Letters 20, 5221-5227 (2020).
Huili Liu, Chao Yang, Bin Wei, Lei Jin, Ahmet Alatas, Ayman Said, Sefaattin Tongay, Fan Yang, Ali Javey, Jiawang Hong, and Junqiao Wu. Anomalously suppressed thermal conduction by electron-phonon coupling in charge-density-wave tantalum disulfide, Advanced Science 201902071 (2020).
Huili Liu, Hwan Sung Choe, Yabin Chen, Joonki Suh, Changhyun Ko, Sefaattin Tongay, and Junqiao Wu. Variable range hopping electric and thermoelectric transport in anisotropic black phosphorus, Applied Physics Letters 111, 102101 (2017).
Hongyao Zhang, Haotian Gao, Qiang Feng, Huili Liu, Tongsuo Lu, He Lin, Kunpeng Zhao. Glass-like Thermal Conduction in Crystalline Mg2Sn-based High-entropy Materials. Submitted (2024).
Qiang Feng, Jiayi He, Wenyang Wang, Huili Liu. Ultra-low Thermal Conductivity in Single Crystalline Metallic Mg3Bi2 and Thermopower Enhancement by Strong Electron-Phonon Interaction. Submitted (2024).
Chao Zhang, Wei Meng, Jinjin He, Peihong Cheng, Rong Gao, Minghui Fu, Yinliang Tang, Zhuo Zhang, Yiyuan Ren, Xuezhen Du, Yujing Tang, Yan Zhang, Rongxin Xiong, Shengnan Lu, Zhen Gao, Huili Liu, Yifan Liu, Hung-Ta Wang, Diffuson Crowding at a-SiNx Homojunctions and Hydrogen Effect on Diffuson Dominant a-SiNx Thermal Conductivity. Physics Review B 110, 125101 (2024).
Ke Shen, Qi Ren, Lu Zhao, Yu Qiu, Puqing Jiang, Zihan Huang, Yongheng Li, Jiachen Li, Suyuan Yu, Huili Liu, Jiawang Hong, Lin Xie, Bo Sun, Junqiao Wu, Feiyu Kang, Point defects enhance cross-plane thermal conductivity in graphite. Submitted (2024).
Lisi Li, Huili Liu, Maxim Avdeev, Dehong Yu, Sergey Danilkin, and Meng Wang. Neutron scattering studies on ionic diffusion behaviors of superionic a-Cu2-dSe, Applied Physics Letters 121, 151901 (2022).
Lei Jin, Steven E. Zeltmann, Hwan Sung Choe, Huili Liu, Frances I. Allen, Andrew M. Minor, and Junqiao Wu. Disorder recovers the Wiedemann-Franz law in the metallic phase of VO2, Physics Review B 102, 041120(R) (2020)
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姓名 | 年级 | 本科毕业院校 |
冯 强 | 24级博士生 | 湘潭大学 |
和嘉怡 | 24级博士生 | 延边大学 |
王文扬 | 22级硕士生 | 华中科技大学 |
朱 颖 | 23级硕士生 | 宁夏大学 |
王 宝 | 23级硕士生 | 安徽农业大学 |
王者风 | 24级硕士生 | 小妲己直播 |
钟雨洲 | 24级硕士生 | 东南大学 |
张凤 | 21级本科生 | 小妲己直播 |
宋伊 | 23级本科生 | 小妲己直播 |
姓名 | 在组时间 | 获得学位 | 毕业后去向 | ||
郑雯文 | 2021.9-2022.7 | 学士 | 中国科小妲己直播 上海硅酸盐研究所 | ||
严文浩 | 2021.9-2022.7 | 学士 | 上海银行 | ||
胡润哲 | 2022.9-2023.7 | 学士 | 中山大学 | ||
危泓屹 | 2022.9-2023.7 | 学士 | 中车 | ||
唐苒宁 | 2023.9-2024.7 | 学士 | 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (University of California, Los Angeles) |