



郑宜君 Yijun Zheng,助理教授、研究员  Assistant Professor, PI
通讯地址 Office Address:上海市浦东新区华夏中路393号小妲己直播 3号楼
电子邮件 Email:[email protected]

11/2019~now, Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech University, China
10/2015~10/2019, Postdoc at INM-Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany
8/2011~9/2013, Postdoc at MPI for Polymer Research, Germany

Ph.D. at Peking University (Sept. 2006-Jul. 2011), China 导师:宛新华

Visiting student at University of South Carolina (Jan. 2010-Jun. 2010), USA,   导师:唐传兵

Bachelor at Beijing Normal University (Sept. 2002-Jul. 2006), China 导师:刘正平


Research Interest

Our research focus on developing advanced dynamic biomaterials mimicking extracellular matrix to understand how cells interact with their environment and to gain insight into the manipulating mechanism of cell functions. 

In the current stage, we are particularly interested on two topics:

(1) Molecular tools for cellular mechanosensing.

One of the central challenges in cellular mechanotransduction is the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that enable cells to modulate their mechanical responses and to sense and actively direct the biophysical properties of the ECM. To elucidate these fundamental mechanisms, cellular mechanotransduction should be studied at molecular levels. We develop molecular tools that can apply or detect forces at individual receptors within readily formed cell-ECM or cell-cell contacts.

(2) Synthetic yet 'living' biomaterials with active, adaptive and autonomous properties.

We  established ways to emulate “living” properties within synthetic chemical frameworks through non-equilibrium chemical reaction networks with energy dissipation, kinetic control and feedback loops. 

Welcome undergrads and graduate students with different backgrounds to join the group.  We are recruiting  POSTDOCs (with organic chemistry, polymer chemistry or biomaterials background). Feel free to contact the PI.


Select Publications

1. Y. Zhao, B. Li,# , X. Fu, P. Zhao , Y. Zhao , W. Zhou , Y. Lu Y. Zheng*Autocatalytic Reactions Networks: A Pathway to Spatial Temporal Mastery in  Dynamic Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202415582

2. Y. Lu, C.Chen, H. Li, P. Zhao, Y. Zhao, B. Li, W. Zhou, G. Fan,D. Guan*,Y. Zheng*, Visible Light-Responsive Hydrogels for Cellular Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Viscoelastic Regulation,Nat. Commun., 2024, Accepted

3. P. Zhao#, Y. Zhao# , Y. Lu, L. Xu, B. Li, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, P. Yan, Y. Wang, K. Cao, Y. Zheng*, Non-Equilibrium Dissipative Assembly with Switchable Biological Functions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202409169.

4. P. Zhao#, L. Xu#, B. Li, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Y. Lu, M. Cao, G. Li, T. Weng, H. Wang, Y. Zheng*, Non-Equilibrium Assembly of Atomically-Precise Copper NanoclustersAdv. Mater. 2024, 2311818.

5. Y. Zhao#, P. Zhao#, J. Zhang#, Y. Zhao, B. Li, G. Hao, Y. An, W. Zhou, Y. Lu, L. Chou, Y. Zheng*, CCS Chem. 2023, 5, 1-11.

6. W. Zhou#, G. Shi#, P. Zhao, G. Zhang, P. Yang, B. Li, B. Li, X. Wan*, Y. Zheng*Dynamic helical cationic polyacetylenes for fast and highly efficient killing of bacteria, Acta. Biomater., 2023,161, 134-143.

7. N. Cheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, B. Li, H. Wang, S. Chen, P. Zhao, J. Cui, X. Shen, X. Zhu, Y. Zheng*Hydrogel platform capable of molecularly resolved pulling on cells for mechanotransduction, Material Today Bio, 2022,17,100476.

8. J. Zhang,  J. Liu, H. Li, X. Li, Y. Zhao, P. Zhao, J. Cui, B. YangY. Song, Y. Zheng*, Programming hydrogels with complex transient behaviors via autocatalytic cascade reactions, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 17, 20073–20082.

9. J. Feng, Y. Zheng, Q. Jiang, M.K.Wlodarczyk-Biegun, S. Person, A. del Campo,  Elastomeric optical waveguides by extrusion printing, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, 2101539.

10. B. Li, JBlassM. HanJ. ZhangY. ZhengQ. JiangR. BennewitzA. del CampoMolecular stiffness cues of an interpenetrating network hydrogel for cell adhesion, Materals Today Bio, 2022, 15, 100323.

11. Y. Zheng#, M. K.L. Han#, R.g Zhao#, J. Blass#, J. Zhang, D.W.  Zhou, J. Colard-Itté, D. Dattler, A. Çolak, M. Hoth, A. J. García,  B. Qu, R. Bennewitz, N. Giuseppone, A. del Campo*, Optoregulated force application to cellular receptors using  molecular motors, Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 3580.

12. L. Yang, S. Dong, W. Zhou, Q. Wu, Y. ZhengJ.Cui*, Calenderable supramolecular perfluorogels for facile fabrication of slippery coatings, Chem. Eng. J. 2021127901.  

13. J. Feng, Y. Zheng, S. Bhusari, M. Villiou, S. Pearson, A. del Campo*, Printed degradable optical waveguides for guiding light into tissue, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2004327. 

14. Y. Zheng*,  Z. Chen, Q. Jiang, J. Feng, S. Wu and A. del Campo*,Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13654.

15. F. Puza,  Y. Zheng*, L. Han, L. Xue and J.Cui*, Physical entanglement hydrogels: ultrahigh water content but good toughness and stretchability, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 2339.

16. L. Xue, X. Xiong, B. P. Krishnan, F. Puza, S. Wang, Y. Zheng*, J. Cui*, Light-regulated growth from dynamic swollen substrates for making rough surfaces, Nat. Commun.202011, 963.

     17. L. Han#,Y. Zheng#, H. Luo#, J. Feng, R. Engstler, L. Xue, G. Jing*, X. Deng*, A. del Campo, J. Cui*, Macroscopic self-evolution of dynamic hydrogels to create hollow interiors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2019595611.

Before joining ShanghaiTech:

  1. Y. Zheng*, M. Han, Q. Jiang, J. Feng, Bin. Li, A. del Campo, “4D hydrogels for dynamic cell culture with orthogonal, wavelength-regulated stiffening and cell adhesiveness”, Mater. Horiz. 2019, 20, 111-116.

  2. Y. Zheng, A. Farrukh, A. del Campo “Optoregulated Biointerfaces to Trigger Cellular Responses”, Langmuir, 2018, 34, 48,14459.

  3. Y. Zheng*, D. Wang, J. Cui, M. Mezger, G. K. Auernhammer, K. Koynov, H.-J. Butt, T. Ikeda, “Redox-Responsive and Thermoresponsive Supramolecular Nanosheet Gels with High Young's Moduli”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 201839, 1800282.

  4. Y. Zheng, X. Liu, J. Xu, H. Zhao, X. Hou, J. Cui “Thermo-responsive mobile interfaces with switchable wettability, optical properties, and penetrability”, ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 35483-35491.

  5. Z.-S. Wu, Y. Zheng, S. Zheng, S. Wang, C. Sun, K. Parvez, T. Ikeda, X. Bao, K. Muellen, X. Feng, “Stacked-Layer Heterostructure Films of 2D Thiophene Nanosheets and Graphene for High-Rate All-Solid-State Pseudocapacitors with Enhanced Volumetric Capacitance.Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1602960.

  6. Y. Zheng, J. Cui, T. Ikeda “Click functionalization of phenyl-capped bithiophene on azide-terminated self-assembled monolayers”, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 355, 213-217.

  7. Y. Zheng, H. Zhou, D. Liu, F. George, W. Manfred; K. Kaloian, M. Mezger, H.-J. Butt, T. Ikeda, “Thiophene Supramolecular Nanosheet”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 4845-4848.

  8. Y. Zheng, D. Liu, H.-J. Butt, T. Ikeda, “Synthesis and Properties of Phenyl-capped Cyclohexyl[c]-oligothiophenes”, Synth. Met., 2013, 181, 1-9.

  9. Y. Zheng, J. Cui, J. Zheng, X. Wan, “Near-infrared Electrochromic and Chiroptical Switching Polymers: Synthesis and Characterization of Helical Poly(N-propargylamides) Carrying Anthraquinone Imide Moieties in Side Chains”, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 5915-5922.

  10. Y. Zheng, K. Yao, J. Lee, D. Chandler, J. Wang, C. Wang, F. Chu, C. Tang, “Well-Defined Renewable Polymers Derived from Gum Rosin”, Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 5922-5924.

  11. Y. Zheng, J. Zheng, L. Dou, W. Qiao, X. Wan, “Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel kind of Near-infrared Electrochromic Polymers Containing an Anthraquinone Imide Group and Ionic Moieties”, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 8470-8477.

赵鹏 助理研究员

2019年6月-2021年7月 上海交通大学 博士后

2014年9月-2021年6月 华东理工大学  博士

2010年9月-2014年6月 山东科技大学  学士

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博士后,小妲己直播 博士

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22级博士生,青岛科技大学 学士

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22级博士生,沈阳药科大学 学士

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22级博士生,北京化工大学 学士

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21级研究生,青岛科技大学 学士

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21研究生, 小妲己直播  学士

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21级研究生(联合培养),山东大学 学士

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21级研究生, 大连理工大学 学士

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      22级研究生, 南京工业大学 学士

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22级研究生,东北林业大学 学士    

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      23级研究生, 山东师范大学 学士

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23级研究生,山东大学 学士    

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24级研究生,华东理工大学 学士    

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24级研究生,南京信息工程大学 学士    

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24级研究生,小妲己直播 学士

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24级研究生,吉林大学 学士

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Group Activities

2024年11月,恭喜卢彦同学喜提Nature Communications一篇

2024年11月,恭喜赵英帅和李博涵的工作成功发表在Angew. Chem.期刊上























                                                         2020年1月 课题组聚餐

                                                      2020年9月 课题组轰趴馆活动



     徐林洁, 2020级小妲己直播 研究生

     张静宜, 2019级小妲己直播 研究生

     程楠,   2019级小妲己直播 研究生

     李小禾 ,2018级小妲己直播 本科生

     郑江楠,2018级小妲己直播 本科生    

     曹宗宇,2017级小妲己直播 本科生
