



通讯地址:小妲己直播 小妲己直播 2号楼406E
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2002.8-2006.5,纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校 理学学士

导师:Prof. David C. Doetschman

2006.8-2013.5,爱荷华州立大学 博士

导师:Prof. Aaron D. Sadow

2013.8-2015.6,加州大学伯克利分校 博士后 

导师:Profs. Kenneth N. Raymond, Robert G. Bergman, F. Dean Toste

2015.8-2018.8, 东京大学 博士后

导师:Prof. Makoto Fujita

2018.9-至今,小妲己直播 小妲己直播 助理教授、研究员



2) 开发利用机械力化学键断裂生成的手段和化学反应


独立课题组 (Independent work):

15. Zhu, X.; Li, K.; Liu, J.; Wang, Z.; Ding, Z.; Su, Y.; Yang, B.;* Yan, K.;* Li, G.;* Yu, P.* “Topological Structure Realized in Cove-Edged Graphene Nanoribbons via Incorporation of Periodic Pentagon Rings.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, acceptedContributed equally. 

14. Liu, Y.;† Liu, F.-Z.;† Li, S.; Wang, P.; Wang, J.; Chu, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Yan, K.* Mechanochemical Guest Release from Coordination Assemblies in the Solid State.”Chem 2024DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2024.01.023. †Contributed equally. 

13. Du, Q.; Su, X.; Liu, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Li, C.; Yan, K.; Ortiz, R.;* Frederiksen, T.;* Wang, S.;* Yu, P.* Orbital-Symmetry Effects on Magnetic Exchange in Open-Shell Nanographenes.” Nat. Commun. 202314, 4802. Contributed equally. 

12. Gu, X.; Wang, T.; Yan, K.* Solvent-Free Mechanoradical-Mediated C-H Alkylation of N-Heteroarens.” Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 7287-7292. Highlighted in Org. Process Res. Dev.

11. Liu, Y.; Liu, F.-Z.; Li, S.; Liu, H.; Yan, K.* Biasing the Formation of Solution-Unstable Intermediates in Coordination Self-Assembly by Mechanochemistry.” Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202302563

10. Luo, H.; Liu, Y.; Liu, F.-Z.; Chu, Z.; Yan, K.* Biasing Divergent Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Oxidation Pathway by Solvent-Free Mechanochemistry.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 15118-15127.

9. Chu, Z.; Luo, H.; Liu, Y.; Liu, F.-Z.; Yan, K.* “Precise Synthesis of a Large Cyclic Alkane Through a Macrocycle-to-Macrocycle-to-Macrocycle Transformation. Submitted 2023.

8. Chu, Z.; Liu, F.-Z. He, Z.; Yan, K.* A Late-Stage Approach Towards Higher Pillar[4]arenes from a Structurally Well-Defined Biomass-Derived Macrocyclic Template.ChemRxiv 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-4wmgw

7. He, Z.; Liu, L.; de Zwart, F. J.; Xue, X.; Ehlers, A. W.; Yan, K.; Demeshko, S.; van der Vlugt, J. I.; de Bruin, B.; Krogman, J. P. Reactivity of a Unique Si(I)-Si(I)-based η2-bis(silylene) Iron Complex.Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 11725-11733. 

6. Zhu, X.;† Liu, Y.;† Pu, W.;† Liu, F.-Z.; Sun, Z.;* Yan, K.;* Yu, P.* On-Surface Synthesis of C144 Hexagonal Coronoid with Zigzag Edges.” ACS Nano 2022, 16, 10600-10607. Contributed equally. 

5. Cheng, S.;† Xue, Z.;† Li, C.;† Liu, Y.; Xiang, L.; Ke, Y.; Yan, K.; Wang, S.;* Yu, P.* On-Surface Synthesis of Triangulene Trimers via Dehydration Reaction.” Nat. Commun. 202213, 1705. Contributed equally. 

4. Cheng, T.;† Ma, W.; Luo, H.; Ye, Y.; Yan, K.* “Manipulating Reaction Energy Coordinate Landscape of Mechanochemical Diaza-Cope Rearrangement.” Molecules 2022, 27, 2570. Contributed equally. (Invited contribution to the special issue: "Mechanochemical Synthesis of Organic Compounds")

3. Ma, W.; Cheng, T.; Liu, F.-Z.; Liu, Y.; Yan, K.* “Allosteric Binding-Induced Intramolecular Mechanical-Strain Engineering.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202202213. Contributed equally. (News highlights: CBG 资讯)

2. Liu, Y.; Liu, F.-Z.; Yan, K.* “Mechanochemical Access to a Short-Lived Molecular Rectangle Pd2L2: An Elusive Kinetic Species to Molecular Triangle Pd3L3 and Molecular Square Pd4L4.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61e202116980. (News highlights: CBG 资讯)

1. Ma, W.; Liu, Y.; Yu, N.; Yan, K.* “Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Diaza-Cope Rearrangement.ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 16092-16102.

Patent application: 甄家劲、马文献。一种通过硏磨实现diaza-Cope重排反应制备手性二胺的方法及其应用。申请号:202110736123.1

加入上科大之前 (Before ShanghaiTech):  

17. Zhou, B.; Utjapimuk, S.; Yan, K.; Dubey, R.; Kikuchi, T.; Mitsuhashi, T.; Fujita, M. “Rapid Analysis of Trace Amounts of Amino Acid Derivatives by a Formyl Group-Installed Crystalline Sponge.” Chem. Asian J. 2023, e202300969.

16. Dubey, R.;Yan, K.;Kikuchi, T; Sairenji, S.; Rossen, A.; Goh, S. S.; Feringa, B. L.; Fujita, M. “Absolute Configuration Determination from Low ee Compounds by the Crystalline Sponge Method. Unusual Conglomerate Formation in a Pre-Determined Crystalline Lattice.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 202160, 11809-11813. Contributed equally.

15. Yan, K.;Dubey, R.;Arai, T.; Inokuma, Y.; Fujita, M. “Chiral Crystalline Sponges for the Absolute Structure Determination of Chiral Guests.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 11341-11344. Contributed equally.

14. Yan, K.; Fujita, M. “A Speedy Marriage in Supramolecular Catalysis.” Science 2015, 350, 1165-1166.

13. Pindwal, A.; Yan, K.; Patniak, S.; Schmidt, B. M.; Ellern, A.; Slowing, I. S.; Bae, C.; Sadow, A. D. “Homoleptic Trivalent Tris(Alkyl) Rare Earth Compounds.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 16862-16874.

12. Lampland, N. L.; Pindwal, A.; Yan, K.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Rare Earth and Main Group Metal Poly(hydrosilyl) Compounds.” Organometallics 2017, 36, 4546-4557. 

11. Eedugurala, N.; Wang, Z.; Yan, K.; Boteju, K.; Chaudhary, U.; Kobayashi, T.; Ellern, A.; Slowing, I.; Pruski, M.; Sadow, A. “β-SiH-containing Tris(silazido) Rare Earth Complexes as Homogeneous and Grafted Single-Site Catalyst Precursors for Hydroamination.” Organometallics 2017, 36, 1142-1153. (Cover picture)

10. Yan, K.; Pindwal, A.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Direct Hydrosilylation by a Zirconacycle with β-Hydrogen.” Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 8644-8653.

9. Yan, K.; Duchimaza Heredia, J. J.; Ellern, A.; Gordon, M. S.; Sadow, A. D. “Lewis Base Mediated β-Elimination and Lewis Acid Mediated Insertion Reactions of Disilazido Zirconium Compounds.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 15225-15237.

8. Yan, K.; Upton, B. M.; Zhu, J.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Nucleophilicity of Neutral and Cationic Magnesium Silyl Compounds.” Organometallics 2013, 32, 6834-6843.

7. Yan, K.; Sadow, A. D. “C-H Bond Activation of Ethylene by a Zirconacycle.” Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 3212-3214.

6. Yan, K.; Schoendorff, G.; Ellern, A.; Upton, B. M.; Windus, T.; Sadow, A. D. “Intermolecular β-Hydrogen Abstraction in Ytterbium, Calcium and Potassium Tris(dimethylsilyl)methyl Compounds.” Organometallics 2013, 32, 1300-1316.

5. Mukherjee, D.; Lampland, N.; Yan, K.; Dunne, J. F.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Divergent Reaction Pathways of Tris(oxazolinyl)borato Zinc and Magnesium Silyl Compounds.” Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 4334-4336.

4. Yan, K.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Nonclassical β-Hydrogen Elimination of Hydrosilazido Zirconium Compounds via Direct Hydrogen Transfer.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 9154-9156.

3. Yan, K.; Upton, B. M.; Ellern, A.; Sadow, A. D. “Lewis Acid-Mediated β-Hydride Abstraction Reactions of Divalent M(C(SiHMe2)3)2THF2(M = Ca, Yb).” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 15110-15111.

2. Yan, K.; Pawlikowski, A. V.; Ebert, C.; Sadow, A. D. “A Tris(alkyl) Yttrium Compound Containing Six β-agostic Si-H Interactions.” Chem. Commun. 2009, 656-658.

1. Kanyi, C. W., Doetschman, D. C., Schulte, J. T., Yan, K. K., Wilson, R. E., Jones, B. R., Kowenje, C. O., Yang, S. W. “Linear, Primary Monohaloalkane Chemistry in NaX and NaY Faujasite Zeolites with and without Na-Treatment: Zeolites as Nucleophilic Reagents II.” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 92, 292-299.

