
Osamu Terasaki


Osamu Terasaki课题组介绍

Osamu Terasaki,正教授

电子邮件:[email protected]

Dept of Phys, Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univ, B.Sc. with Honor. (1965)

Graduate course, Dept of Physics, Tohoku University, M.Sc. (1967)
1967-1994 Assist Prof, Dept of Phys, Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univ.
1994-2002 Assoc. Prof., Head of the Microstructure Physics, Dept of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
1996-2001 Research Director, Core Research for Evolutional Science & Technology (CREST), JST, Japan.
2002-2003 Prof, Dept. Phys, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.
2003-2010-2016 Prof., Head of Structural Chem, and Prof, Materials & Environmental Chem Stockholm University.
2009-2017 Invited Guest Prof. WCU & BK21+, Grad School EEWS, KAIST, Korea
2014- Visiting Prof, Univ of California, Berkeley, CA94720, USA
2015- Prof. and Director of the EM Centre, ShanghaiTech University
2003 Friendship Award, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of the P.R. China
2007 The Donald W Breck Award, International Zeolite Association
2008 Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


Properties and functions of materials are governed by atomic arrangements thereby electron distributions. Our group is interested in methodological developments for structural studies of e-beam sensitive nano-porous materials through electron diffraction, high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy.

We are looking for postdocs and graduate students who are self-motivated and interested in our research topics.


1. “Electron crystallography for determination the handedness of a chiral zeolite nanocrystal”, Y. H. Ma, P. Oleynikov*, O. Terasaki*. Nat. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1038/NMAT4890.

2. “Weaving of organic threads into a crystalline covalent organic framework”, Y. Z. Liu, Y. H. Ma, Y. B. Zhao, X. X. Sun, H. Furukawa, F. Gandara, Z. Liu, H. Y. Zhu, C. H. Zhu, K. Suenaga, P. Oleynikov, X. Zhang, O. Terasaki*, O. M. Yaghi*. Science 351, 2016, 365. (#: co-first author, Science cover).

3. “CO2 capture from humid flue gases and humid atmosphere using a microporous coppersilicate”, S. J. Datta, C. Khumnoon, Z. H. Lee, W. K. Moon, S. Docao, T. H. Nguyen, I. C. Hwang, D. Moon, P. Oleynikov, O. Terasaki, K. B. Yoon, Science 350, 2015, 302-306, 
4. “π- π Interaction of Aromatic Groups in Amphiphilic Molecules Directing for Single Crystalline Architecture with Mesostructured Zeolite Nanosheets”, D. D. Xu, Y. H. Ma, Z. F. Jing, J. Ding, L. Han, B. Singh, J. Feng, Z. F. Shen, F. F. Cao, Y. M. Wang, P. Oleynikov, H. A. Sun, O. Terasaki, S. Che, Nat. Comm. 5, 2014, 4262.

5. “Direct synthesis of self-pillared zeolite nanosheets”, X. Y. Zhang, D. X. Liu, S. Asahina, K. A. Cychosz, K. V. Agrawal, Y. A. Wahedi, A. Bhan, S. A. Hashimi, O. Terasaki, M. Thommes, M. Tsapatsis, Science 336, 2012, 1684-1687.

6. “Large pore apertures in a series of metal-organic frameworks”, H. X. Deng, S. Grunder, K. E. Cordova, C. Valente, H. Furukawa, M. Hmadeh, F. Gándara, A. C. Whalley, Z. Liu, S. Asahina, H. Kazumori, M. O’Keeffe, O. Terasaki, J. F. Stoddart, O. M. Yaghi, Science 336, 2012, 1018-1023.

7. “Dodecagonal tiling in mesoporous silica”, C. H. Xiao, N. Fujita, K. Miyasaka, Y. Sakamoto, O. Terasaki*, Nature 487, 2012, 349-353.

8. “Stable single-unit-cell nanosheets of zeolite MFI as active and long-lived catalysts”, M. Choi, K. Na, J. Kim, Y. Sakamoto, O. Terasaki, R. Ryoo, Nature 461, 2009, 246.

9. “Complex zeolite structure solved by combining powder diffraction and electron microscopy”, F. Gramm, C. Baerlocher, L. B. McCusker, S. J. Warrender, P. A. Wright, B. Han, S. B, Hong, Z. Liu, T. Ohsuna, O. TerasakiNature 444, 2006, 79-81.

10. “An ordered mesoporous organic-silica hybrid material with a crystal-like wall structure”. S. Inagaki, S. Guan, T. Ohsuna, O. TerasakiNature 416, 2002, 304-307.


Alvaro Mayoral Garcia

Research Associate Professor 

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Chengmin Li李承珉

Graduate student  

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Yaping Zhang 张亚萍

Graduate student  

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